bye bye europe
so in a few hours i will be getting on the plane to calgary and then on a flight to edmonton. europe has been really great! there is so much to do here that i could spent another few months here. but i am so looking forward to not being a complete tourist for a little while before heading off to australia. so in less than 24 hours i will be back in my home and native land.on a side note i went to westminster abbey yesterday and got a guided visit. other than seeing some scouts from sherbrooke (really cool), there was a memorial to wolfe, the english guy who died on les plaines d'abraham. i thought that it was really funny, i guess b/c all the museums i've ever been to in quebec just mention that the guy died. and prefer discussing the death of montcalm. not this huge thing glorifying the way he overcame the obstacles and then died in battle (the thing is about the same size as the one for newton, maybe a bit larger even). but the nice part of the memorial is that there are flags that candian soldiers left after the end of the first world war. and they do look like the are 90 yrs old! so i should get some breakfast and head off to the airport. apparently they expect delays at heathrow, i wonder why!?!
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