Sunday, December 31, 2006


another 6 hours and it will be 2007 here in new zealand. it's a bit weird having new year in another country, there is a lack of cold, well snow really since it's pretty cold here considering it's the middle of summer (about 12 degrees). and i'm a bit unaware of what has happened this past year in the world other than bush fires in australia, heat waves in europe, icebergs off the coast of new zealand, a coup d'etat in fiji, saddam hussein's conviction and the unfortunate events at dawson college in september. a lot of good things have also happened with ppl graduating, moving to new cities, new members being added to the family and all the other cool things ppl have been up to this year. so have a great new year and enjoy yourselves.

un autre 6 heures et ce sera 2007 en nouvelle-zelande. c'est bizarre de celebrer la nouvelle annee alors que la plupart du monde que je connais vienne de commencer la derniere journee de l'annee. il y a aussi un certain manque de neige, mais bon c'est quand meme l'ete ici. j'espere que vous avez tous passe une bonne annee et que 2007 sera plein de bon evenements. 2006 l'a ete avec la graduation de plusieurs personnes, le demenagement de d'autres et de nouveaux venus dans la famille. alors bonne annee, amusez-vous bien!


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